0 +
Years Experience


In all aspects of oil and petrochemical industries. There is a big demand for decent equipment and services required by customers to guarantee highly efficient performance , a safe and environmentally friendly operation to warrant save energy . our customers continuously face difficult and challenging process complications in the areas of distillation,Concentration , degassing , drying and reactions.

Petro Part Radaron works closely well – known companies , who can look back on several decades of gained experiences and capabilities in this field. We support our clients not only in designing tailor – cut solutions but also in supplying diverse equipment from brand name producers. Furthermore , we also offer elaborate plant upgrades which are done by highly specialized engineering companies.

We deliver equipment as whole packages or single positions. the scope of our supply includes different types of heat exchangers, evaporators, filters , dryers and reactors, columns and vessels, mixers and separators etc.

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